USA : 240-643-6830 - 7737545983 / France :+33650205753 / Cameroon 01123799939665 / Ivory coast +2250565721723 / Togo +22892497682
About Us
About HADASSAH grace foundation
HADASSAH GRACE FOUNDATION Invest in social change to empower poor women and children. HGF support the nutrition and wellbeing of women and children.

Assist Vulnerable Population


HGF aim to provide:

  • Equitable access to resources (Food, Water, Healthcare, Sanitation)
  • Protection against harm (Armed conflicts, human trafficking, abused, neglect)
  • Equal opportunities (Education, Employment, Housing)

HGF vulnerable population include:

Children and Adolescents
Susceptible to neglect, abuse, and lack of access to education and healthcare.
Elderly Adults
Often face health issues, limited mobility, social isolation, and financial insecurity.
Low-Income Individuals
Struggle with limited access to quality healthcare, housing, nutritious food, and employment opportunities.
Individuals with Disabilities
May encounter barriers to accessibility, employment, and healthcare.
Homeless Individuals
At risk due to a lack of stable housing, healthcare, and basic needs.
Minority and Marginalized Groups
May face discrimination, limited access to resources, and socio-political exclusion.
Immigrants and Refugees
Vulnerable to exploitation, limited access to resources, and legal protections.
Victims of Abuse or Domestic Violence
Require specialized support and protection from further harm.
Individuals with Chronic Illnesses or Mental Health Conditions
Often experience stigmatization and challenges in accessing continuous care.